Downloadable Chapters

SECTION I: Topping Off Your T Tank: Optimizing Your Life Force

CHAPTER 1: Supercharge Your T—Naturally

The Story of T • The Mystery of Declining T • The T Audit • The New Primer’s Guide to Amping Up Your T • Stuff that Works • Free vs. Bound T: What’s the Difference? • Stay Away from Phthalates • Need A Quick Boost? • Stuff that Kind of Works (But You Should Do Anyway) • Fast Car…High T? • Will a Sex Fast Boost My T? • Stuff that Doesn’t Work • The Intermittent Fast • What About Protein? • Your 30-Day Action Plan for Naturally Increasing Testosterone

CHAPTER 2: Skip the T Party: Why Supplemental Testosterone is a Deal with the Devil

The Precursor: Viagra • The Allure of T • Taboo to Legit • Andropause: Real or Imagined? • T: Worth the Hype? • Estrogen: A Troubling Precedent • What Supplemental T Will and Won’t Do • A Shot of T: Better than Nothing? • Natural Solutions • Low T…or Bad Choices? • HGH: The Other Magic Drug • Postscript: If All Else Fails